
There is a meaning to all things that come and pass.

There is a way to understand and another to not.

When it is a period of imbalance, then there is a need to bring balance to all that is out of balance in order to understand the energies of the currency.

It is so written, that some fail to understand that all is a process of understanding:

That all is a knowledge of how to exist,

That balance is a necessary component of understanding, and

That all must flow into and out of these eddies of balance and imbalance for the process of rectification to be fulfilled. 

Understand, that within the flow of this endless process we are able to be prepared to move with or against the eddies and flows, and it is with our preparedness to understand this where the comprehension can be found. 

For that is where we become conscious; where we exist.

20th April 2020


Like a Dove


Space of Emanation