Feather on the Palm

There is a feather that drifts but never falls.

It is as light as the air and sits on the current.

The feather has fallen from the wing of a great creature who glides with great purpose above.

Sometimes there is a density to the feather that makes it almost tangible to those who witness it drifting.

It is there and the next moment has vanished, but it makes you stop and to wonder, did you see it or was it just in your imagination that it appeared?

Do you continue with your daily routine and think no more of it?

What if you were to pause for longer than a few moments?

What if you were to wonder and to look for a minute or two and set aside the normal routines, the work, the chatter of things, the noise?

What if you stopped, you paused and pondered the floating feather that had moments before appeared in front of you and ask yourself if you trust what your eyes had held within their gaze, and your heart had skipped, and your head had processed?

And what if that feather were to reappear again under that same gaze and remain so that you could reach out your hand and take the feather from its aerial resting place and feel it within your fingers?

And what then?

Would you go back to your routine, your daily action, or would it make your path shift and help you to think and feel about what the feather really held within its fibres?

Would you trust yourself a little more or would you set the feather down and continue onwards?

And what if this feather held a part of a picture that you could not perceive unless you allowed yourself to?

Would you seek to hold the feather and glimpse this other realm? Would it change you? Would you be ready to see?

And what if I told you that the feather is before you now, and all you need to do is to hold out your hand and it would settle on your palm, would you hold out your hand and step into the field of vision that would open you to see?

Would you see?

We hold a feather before each and there is a window, you must only wish to see and to feel.

2nd June 2020



