The Space

When there is a space in which the light pours through, there is an opportunity for change to occur.

When there is a space for water to flow, then there is an opportunity for the roots to be moistened and new life to grow.

When the earth is moved to give space for the growth to pass unhindered, then there is space for a community of flourishing to take place.

When the warmth of light and heat of the energy can flow freely and be absorbed, then there is space for the elemental creation to occur.

In space, all things have both potential and potency, all things have possibility and are held with equality within the creation of new life.

Within space, there is a place to nourish, to shelter and to grow into the most effective place of being, to fill up the space with our own conscious true self.

The space is a gap in the matrix of the universe for us to experience the true value of conscious existence.

We can fill it when we embrace our true self and grow in the being of our own identity.

When space is held then we give the potential for the universe to grow.

To listen with our soul we invite the space to be released, to focus on the eternal and to understand the momentary passing of things in this place.

Why does the light fight the shadow when they are facets of the same creation?

Because they see in the other a difference that they lack in themselves.

But they should see that within both the light and the shadow is a universal nature of equality.

4th June 2020



