Settlement of Heart
This is the beginning of a settlement of us, as a peoples of the light, because as we seek to work together we ultimately create a presence, a settlement, a cooperation where all things can be shared and brought into the centre.
This settlement is not physical, it is not even psychological, it is a settlement of heart.
It is a settlement where we are all able, and it is possible, to exist in harmony and in unity with a greater sense of self and oneness with all.
Only when we are able to embrace a position within and outside ourselves where we no longer need to sit in a place of holding or of division, will we be in a place where this settlement of being will be enabled to manifest within heart.
The way to this place is not by giving up and giving in to a human need to ‘expunge and repel’ all things other to ourselves - for that is a path away from this centre of being, this settlement of consciousness - it is through a freeing up of the things that hold us to such things.
For when we release ourselves from these unseen bonds that hold us in the place we have always known, we are able to see them for the fastenings that they are and then we find that they no longer hold us.
This is the way to work as beings of matter and beings of light, and to work in harmony with all things.
For in division we become enslaved by a sense of otherness.
I have heard of a place of great suffering.
It is a place held within us all.
I have heard it cry out and I hear it now; all who can hear sense this.
I feel that it is an important part of our path and it should be nourished so that it no longer needs to cry in such anguish.
For it will speak of the things it needs to tell and will in its hearing be also unfurled and released.
27th April 2020