There is a great balance that shifts between the dealings of positive and the dealings of the negative aspects of existence.
This does not correlate to the concepts of good or evil.
The terms are more neutrally held and are also inseparable.
The concept of positive and negative is akin to the pull of the moon against the currents and waters of the earth. There is a motion that is attracted or repelled by the moon's transit across the face of the earth. It is invisible but so too does it exert much force onto the earth through this process.
So too are the forces of positive and negative action, or also of inaction for the opposite is also valid.
Positive and negative act as the moon does. The form is unified but the motion of causation is very different depending on the movement and pull of the body. The consequence is the movement of the tide to and fro, just as the motion of movement that is either positive or negative causes a consequential action of movement below. This is true of both held as equals in the way they impose their will onto what is outside.
Therefore, the scales are attuned to this flow and pull from the forces that are negative or those that are positive and their position in relation to the object of causation.
Therefore, the concept of justice can be seen as such: a measure of the action and cause of this polarised move to or away from each of these true forces - one movement causing the opposite in the other.
Therefore, as the concept of both are held within, there is a balancing that occurs in neutrality. However, the causation may appear to occur without balance due to a lag in the action or inaction that is consequential.
Therefore, it is vital to look to the balancing process as a greater evidencing and measuring rather than the effect that plays out after, for this is a delayed motion of something that has already taken place.
To look beyond is to observe the turning of this motion and that is where the originator of justice exists at the point of equal and unequal measurements; the balance of forces.
12th July 2020