
There is always a time for all things to take place, for now it is merely the time for reflection on merit. 

That there is a purpose and in carrying out the purpose merit is either won or lost.

This is a concept that is easily mistaken for things of a material nature. 

It is not so here for when we speak of gain or loss it is only in reference to the opportunity that exists for merit to be weighed. 

This is a mechanism of the most subtle action and the scales we talk of are of a fine balance that it would be impossible for your most sophisticated measuring equipment to determine the true measurement. 

But it is so, that the winning or loss of the opportunity of merit is of great significance to all and plays a presiding role in the determination of progression: how each move beyond the plane where they are determined to be at any given time, and how they are expected to carry no more opportunity than they are able to or to move at a pace beyond their level of experience. 

This is the balancing function of merit.

We are judged in a respect by our individual capabilities alone not in measure of competition with any that walk beside or seek to outdo our actions. 

It is written how we should not look to our neighbours for this measure of merit for we can never be held in the same light as those of our peers both of this world or on other planes. 

This is fundamental and exists so that each holds the opportunity to strive for equal merit at their pace and to the extent at any one time that is designed for that individual. 

Each may stumble and fall and continue to do so but the action allows each function to do so until they come into the understanding and grace that assists them to stand up and to progress in their unique way.

This is of such glorious beauty that to behold the creation of all within a single breath is to understand and grasp the magnificence of the action of creation.

31st August 2020


Grain of Sand

