Spiritual Practice

First, let me know that there is something to believe in and I will believe.

Second, let me know that I will be saved and I will save others.

Finally, let me know the existence of God and I will believe in my salvation.

Isn't the something intriguing in the functioning of the working mind of the human who wishes for such certainty in the depths of their spiritual practice? 

For it is in uncertainty that spiritual practice prospers. 


There was once a great man who set out to survey all the lands.

So convinced was he of the existence of such lands, he put everything he owned into a boat and set sail alone but with faith.

One day there was a great storm that broke the small boat in two, but finally after much time clinging to the boat and paddling he reached shore. 

He wandered up the beach and found someone to ask where he had landed. 

Much to his dismay he had journeyed all but a short distance down the coast.

But his will was not damaged for he took time to forge himself a bigger boat that would surpass the strongest of storms. 

Well into his twilight years he set sail into the setting sun to continue his journey. 


Our life's work is not of certainty, it is of much turmoil and strife, it must test and challenge for in that place we are conditioned by our experience, either in a way that restrains, or one that assists to build fortitude for the onward path ahead. 

What is most certain is the role our feeling and intention plays in this process. 

It is with this that the true nature shines forth and we are reconciled with our being.

30th June 2020



