
There is a shadow that has passed and the shower has moved beyond the mountain pass. 

The clouds are beginning to part and there emerges the rays of a new period. 

This is not without some difficulty, and I understand that for growth to occur it is necessary to part ways with parts of the landscape that have shaped the foundations and the way of working before. 

There is much to impart, and there is therefore a need to shift through and to relinquish areas of being where there will involve only a small part of the process. For there is a flexibility required that must be allowed for freedom of expression that requires space. 

Before all things there is one common occurrence, that fear descends to fill the creeping spaces that are created while a shift takes place. 

This is because the physical form must endeavour to sustain and protect itself, and therefore it does not partake so easily in shifts that do not form a part of this physicality and material basis of being. 

Therefore, it must seek safety in something familiar, and in order to preserve it shelters in fear, because this place sustains the protective function.

When it is possible to bring a higher awareness, a conscious understanding of a place that enables a frequency of a higher level to begin to resonate within the spaces, then the fear is displaced.

It is necessary to feel this fear to ensure that what displaces it resonates at a high level, a place of much beauty and peace.

28th June 2020


Spiritual Practice


Suffering and Compassion