
When there are matters that exist where there is both a simple and a complexity of forms, one must sit and understand the queries in their separateness and in their forming togetherness as a whole.

It is not enough to take a position without first addressing the elements of it.

There is a plan that forms as it is created, as the great wisdom unfurls, it is both known and unknown. Therefore, there is no pure foresight, there are only probabilities and possibilities.

When these are held and weighed, then there is a possibility of seeing with true vision, for it is held with all the levels of simple and complex, and therefore the understanding that arrives will give an idea of the nature of the question posed.

You do not yet know or understand the question. So therefore, the answer will not form and as you sit seeking the answer the question moves further away.

Seek not what you desire but the root to getting to that place marked by your truest intention and the way will become clearer.

All must explain their actions and understand their value and how they have attended to the garden presented to them, all have failed to water or allowed the weeds to overtake.

None are without improvement.

This is why there is the need for much awareness to flow to illuminate the way.

13th June 2020


Momentum of Shift

