Momentum of Shift
The mission before us all is to identify the components of an existence which allows for expansion and understands the necessary contractions as they manifest.
There is not one without the other in a state of matter or in spirit for there is a cycle and this accepts that it is inevitable.
What I mean by this is that when we seek to bring ourselves, stretch ourselves to some extent, out of the boundaries of our current being, then we will in turn meet some challenge to maintain this expanded position.
There is tension in expanding after all, we must push against the precepts of our past model and mould of being.
When the period ends then there is a moving of some return to the position where we began, some contraction.
However, one must observe with great interest that the place is no longer in the same location. There has been a subtle movement to remain at a point expanded.
There has been some momentum of shift.
If we allow this process to unfold and we permit ourselves to become aware of this process, then it becomes possible to only move at a speed and with a force that is conducive to stilling the inevitability of the contraction, and to some extent also the expansion.
So in that place it is possible to breath in and out with the fluctuations of the universe and then all things enter a single space of existence.
It is not through effort that we grow, it is not through competition of achieving all the goals and winning all the races; there is no medal.
There is only a reaching of stillness within the expansion and contraction of the universe and an opportunity to sit in the breath of the creator.
14th June 2020