Connection is a test of will.
It requires someone to be conscious and to reveal.
It requires the recipient to receive with an open mind and heart, both the task of sending and of receiving requires that we recognise the action and effect of will in the participation of any connection that we make.
When either side falters then the connection is interrupted or irreversibly broken and this is where the test lies.
Are we willing to participate in a great connection of consciousness?
Are we drawn to both play a passive role but also a role that asks of us a great request to share with another?
It is said that through connection we witness the inner workings of nature and creation.
Certainly there is a basis of truth there, but what we also find is our own willingness to take part.
To connect is to love, because in love there holds the greatest connection of all.
A connection born of hatred will be as fleeting as the embers of a fire that has seen the last of its heat extinguished.
In connection through love we cannot disconnect or terminate the call, because a connection born of love will foster many connections and reach every corner of the universe, each connection sustaining the other in a web of connectivity.
This connection is of a will to love and be loved.
Let us hold this within our souls and know that we are held by a great matrix of conscious connection.
For this is the birthplace of all.
24th May 2020