25th May 2020
At the parting that all beings pass through from the physical into luminous beings of light and shed the material self, we step forth into an evolutionary pattern that is beyond all understanding that is possible in earthly form, but it is a wondrous meeting of the ways of light.
24th May 2020
To connect is to love, because in love there holds the greatest connection of all. A connection born of hatred will be as fleeting as the embers of a fire that has seen the last of its heat extinguished.
The Watcher
19th May 2020
With the night brings the chance to surrender and rest the physical form while the soul connects and updates us with rest.
Gateway of Energy
15th May 2020
Located at the base of the spine is a gateway to our energy. What manifests is a sacred vibration some call kundalini, but it is a sacred force propelling the being upwards to the root of our soul.
Complexity and Simplicity
12th May 2020
It is through complexity and simplicity that we can excel in our journey in this existence.
Messenger of the Stars
11th May 2020
It is foretold that when the conjunction occurs it will shake the patterns of the universe.
Light and Shadow
8th May 2020
Just as we see, we are seen
Just as we are held, so we hold all
As we feel, we are felt
As we heal, so we restore all who seek healing