Wayfarer and Orion:
In the sky there are many objects that are hidden or cannot be seen even by the marvelous seeing devices and processes. These capture but a small window of all that is present in the heavens.
The one who wanders as the Wayfarer is one such being who does not show, in the normal physical sense, a trail that is perceivable by the human eye.
There is a presence that affects in the pursuance of a beacon that will shine in the night and show itself through a period of some time.
It is not possible to say when the being known as the Wayfarer will reveal itself, but there is knowledge that will precede.
For it is the Wayfarer who navigates through the energy of the fields of our time and sets a course based on the guide shown only to the being.
It is in the stars called Orion that there may appear a glimpse for all who perceive this and a way will be lit, but the presence will be felt by many.
In the heavens there are many signs but it is not for today.
The space of crossing, where we must decide if we choose to continue on our previous path or to renew and move onto a different road, will test.
It is at this passing place of being, this meeting of ways, where we must select what we may leave behind.
We are free to move in any direction and all paths remain open, but it is the path where we feel the most resistance, where we must make a conscious choosing to leave behind many parts of us that prevent this motion of onward trajectory.
With this path we must remember that we do not seek to move to create more difficulty, we move in order to release ourselves from the ideas, the constrictions, the elements of being that we carry as a heavy weight around our souls.
It is ok not to take this path, for it is the way of testing, but we must chose with an open heart and with full knowledge.
Know that there are all who seek to help when there is stillness and in turmoil.
It is free, but it is not of loneliness.
26th May 2020