
Desire is a state where the senses do not match the wishes of the soul, and the body is taken over by a necessity to gratify itself rather than to function in unity with its higher purpose.

This may be experienced in many different ways, in a form that leaves us with a feeling of emptiness or leads us to a path that takes us far from our sense of wellbeing and truth.

When this takes place it is always necessary to first resolve to understand the foundations of such a desire, because it is only through the deep reflection that the door is opened to develop understanding.

The true nature of desire that comes from within, takes us to the depths of our soul and not the gratification of the body.

It is a seeking based on the passion and deep connection that draws us on a quest to know ourselves and find our way so as to know the full nature of the universe.

This is desire in its purest essence.

It is a motivating and activating energy that fuels our internal fire of being and enables us to move inwards.

6th May 2020




Light and Blossom