Light and Shadow
Throughout the worlds there is a simple principle that governs all beings.
It is that of free will.
This principle is something that permeates the essence and the cells of our existence and helps us to take responsibility for our actions in each plane.
I am not here to talk about free will however, but something much more fundamental.
This is just as important but makes it possible for us to be able to take decisions and exercise the principle of free will. This is an appreciation of the exercise of good and evil.
This dual pairing of energies persist and function as the polarities of all life in each form.
Fundamentally they are two ends of the same spectrum and should be seen as such; there cannot be one without the other for this is an act of tying principle. However, we can ensure that the radiation of one is also bathed with the fundamental principles of the other.
Let us not call them good and evil, for that is terminology that sits with a tarnished reputation in the psyche of the human, let us call them shadow and light.
In the light there is always a shadow, and shadow is only possible in the presence of light. Therefore, the intertwining of the two become a single force in which all beings dwell.
This is not a new revelation, but it serves as an example of the complexity of consciousness.
In the action of free will we sit and weigh up the function of many choices. They all sit on that great spectrum of opportunities and are all of equal weight, although it is clear that they may not feel to be the case.
We sit and we weigh, and select based on a myriad of conditioning and circumstances, we ponder or we plough forth with certainty.
However, what we are unknowingly doing is using a set of scales uniquely set by our own process of development, in order to measure the functionality of a single option, we are weighing the line of light and shadow in order to exercise our freedom to choose, our free will.
When we do this we are only conscious of the need to make a choice not of all the actions that are playing out in the process.
We make a choice that certainty wishes and places emphasis only on the parts of the nature of the choice that are the most important for us in those circumstances and with a narrow viewpoint.
If we consider and embrace the fact that in weighing a choice we accept all the measure of shadow and light, that they function simultaneously and envelop the choice in all patterns of light and shadow, then the choice as well as the decision will form in a very different way.
Indeed, by shrouding it with all, the action of free will itself becomes enshrouded in a host of energy that holds it in a space of silence.
Just as we see, we are seen
Just as we are held, so we hold all
As we feel, we are felt
As we heal, so we restore all who seek healing.
8th May 2020