Fundamentally, all is made in the light of the greatness of the one creator. There is no doubt that with this fundamental is the knowledge of all times and of all beings.
But we do not, or do not have the capacity to, understand the fullness of what must be realised; that there is nothing that must be understood greater than that we are all part of the one.
There is some contribution to this great knowledge from all corners of the lands and extending into the space above this world.
However, the contributions are all but fragments of the whole understanding, and all seek to understand the small fragment without following a unification of all the pieces into a great vessel of knowledge.
When this is possible it will become a foundation for a new understanding where humanity may sit with a picture of the whole of creation reflected in a single pool of water.
With this knowledge it is vital for all to set a compass and to seek to all corners of the world and the horizons, all the pieces that have been scattered so that they can be brought together and unified in a single form.
There are none that should be left behind, all hold value and a piece of the great wisdom of all times.
It must be so, because it has become necessary for a greater work to discover where the movements of communion can be drawn together, and to watch for the beginning of a new coming together in the dawn.
29th April 2020