This marks the journey of a thousand steps.
This is what can be said to be the explanation: above is a useful understanding of the momentous purpose before, but also the importance of, each step - the first being only one, but in many ways being the most important.
These words highlight the truth in the nature of each journey taken; that we must direct the course, or allow it to be set for us by others.
The first is a journey of adventure, of discovery, of risk, the second is a journey of following a map and heading on a path that has already been walked by others.
Therefore, in the first sits all the risk, the second, all the safety.
When we allow ourselves to sit in a place of absolute safety, there we can measure our own experience against all those who have journeyed before us, like plotting the route of ants on a trail.
But if we allow ourselves the opportunity to plot our own path along a route that is not laid out in the same way, but nonetheless is a path, there we allow ourselves to be taken on a path set by ourselves but following the plan of a much more important guide - our divine plan.
Only this is where it is possible to expand the boundaries of our own nature, to sit at the edge of reality, and glance at a wider understanding of it all.
By taking a step that takes us to a thousand, and beyond, we may offer the universe an opportunity to help others take the same step, or even to walk along the path trodden by you and perhaps set a course that takes each one of us on a discovery that may unlock the heavens through these steps.
It is not in the goal that we seek to find ourselves, but in the simplicity of a step taken with absolute determination to set out in the name of discovery; to take a chance that all may be lost, but to step with faith that we will be taken beyond the step and into a realm where every step holds all other steps.
Know that there are many who seek to stand in the light, some may falter, some lack the courage at this time, but all can be seen and all have potential to greatness.
30th April 2020