Ocean of Light
At the beginning, there was a coming together of all to the ends of time centered upon the one. Where all the light conjoined to become a great ocean of light that washed through the universe and sent waves of being across the expanse.
It is not for us to determine the reason for this but to accept that this took place and then we can focus on the importance of the process of coming together. For each of us hold a part of that beginning within us.
When it is only a chance that we proceed within the great pattern, a chance is also a choice, and a choice evokes a necessity to choose. But that is something we have been gifted.
Understand that this is not a virtue of us being here on this land, it is a virtue of all things sent out into the expanse, to be able to wander the pathways and journey to the ends.
When we adjust our understanding and see ourselves not as individual specks of dust, of creatures of flesh, but as flickers of a great light, then we come to appreciate the pathways of all things. Then we become ready to set a course beyond our existence and towards a settlement of a higher order.
It is not for me to provide a map of this journey, it is for each of us to look inside to see what must be done to proceed in this process and to discover.
For this is the way of all things.
24th April 2020