Trust that there is nothing more than a desire for all things to become part again of the greater being of consciousness.
Trust that there is a great desire for the fulfilment of a union of being and that there is a plan for which all things play a part.
For it is the picture that we all become part of a revolving greater than ourselves, and it is this unification of understanding that the full meaning will be understood. But, there is much that must take place before this can arise, all are within this unifying pattern of consciousness, all rise and fall by the expression of their existence on each of the planets and all must understand that there is none who are beyond the great work.
Trust that this is a necessary part of all development and that there is purpose in all things.
Beings of a physical nature must understand that matter and all things material are a tool for us to work to move beyond this state of being.
It is useful for the growth of all things.
It allows us to experience the destiny of existence and consciousness in all forms.
Beyond this there is a movement which takes great certainty of being in order to move beyond this great form and therefore the form must be explored and understood in order to move beyond it.
For this is the meaning of all things.
25th April 2020