
Look upon the glass, and there within you see transformation of elements and unification of the key elemental principles.

For within there meets air, water, the earth and what resonates through is light.

This blending and division is necessary in all things. It is important that the essence of each is retained and in the same place that there is a mingling, a coming together at a threshold.

All is held within space, which permits the manifestation of all forms of material expression to occur.

If this were not the case the void of only one would render the material state obsolete.


An age has passed, and with this age comes one of much turbulence, but one that holds some promise for some - perhaps there is a greater number, but it is prudent to reserve. 

In the space filled by a polarity of objectivity, of great consumption, there is a great longing for something that fixes and strengthens the functioning bonds. 

But this is not something that will ensue with a vague focus of pale intent. 

It must be lit and burn as a great pyre of a lost love and a hope for reunion. 

The passion that was once alive, and was suppressed, and was smothered, must be re-flamed, for this is where the action arises.

Look not to the past, but to the fire and tend to it.

18th June 2020


The Pendant


Momentum of Shift