Grass and Stone
First, take the stone from your shoe and you will be able to walk without hinderance.
Second, take off your shoe and you will feel the earth between your toes and the dirt on the soles of your feet.
Third, take a newly cut blade of grass and hold it to see the wind moving the green stem.
Forth, bend and pick up the stone that had once hindered your progress and hold it up next to the blade of grass.
Finally, ask the blade forgiveness for depriving it of the choice to continue to grow, and praise its energy and for capturing the sun in its cells and pathways.
Then, thank the humble stone for teaching you to pay attention to the small inconveniences and the lessons they bring.
Now, walk with the blade of grass and the stone clasped in each hand so you remember that you hold within and without the challenges and the ability to grow in light within you.
The blade will sow a new awareness and the stone will not break you if you thank it, for it is as wise as the greatest teacher.
28th May 2020