To Observe

Beyond this place we sit and watch the passing of the eons. 

It is here that we observe the last peoples grow and welcome each other into the world. 

It is a gift that we can watch and wait to see when the time is ripe and when intervention is necessary for we must be delicate in the hand of our work. 

It is a gift, but it is still a difficulty to behold the immense difficulties that occur on the earthly plane, for it is a passage of work that only shows what is required and in many ways requires much fortitude. 

It is in this period of transition that we are sometimes called to intervene because there is much weighed on the scales and the balance is precarious. 

When this occurs, it is a focus on that, a call can arrive in the subtle place to observe and on occasion direct some force in anew and set the balance.

I am one who sees and observes.

I am one who came when called.

There are others and they work in various fields,

But I come to repeat the language that will unlock some suffering.

I was one such as before.

I observed and saw much in the functions of humans and the functions of the stars. 

I saw much of what untied and I worked through identification of ill and infirmity.

There is one who can see beneath the skin to the function of all elements and can manipulate the patterns of the body.

They must work to strengthen and to feel.

There is one who can hear the sounds of the anguish and can sing to the soul within to still the cries.

There is one who hears all and sees within. 

It must be understood that there is a necessity to align and to work in a partnership to focus and heal.

30th May 2020


The Globe


Grass and Stone