
Listen, for these words are contained within the great book of knowledge and hold great meaning. 

It is for us to share but we cannot help you to understand, that is your turn to work to achieve. 

When it is time then all will become much clearer, but until then it is important to remain as still as possible in order to really appreciate and understand what has been shared. 

For it is with love that we provide the knowledge gathered through the ages and distilled through much toil and suffering, but held with much grace.

Love animates and it also destroys, 
Love challenges and holds in safety.
Love is a pearl in the ocean, but it is also the ocean itself.
Love is what gives and takes, it understands all things.
Love brings pain and joy, for it is what holds all and provides the fuel and energy for all life to exist, to form, and to decay.

Love can’t be contained within the simple form of your word,
it is diminished in the writing and speaking of it 
because in it holds all eternity and nothing,
all of life and death,
all of the feeling of love and its taking away,
all are contained and set free.

Within this simple word
all are submitted for divine justice and 
all things are released in grace,
all things flourish and 
all things are allowed to rest.
For it is with this great expression that we can be conscious,
we express and we form our connection.

It is within all things and cannot be separated.
It gives life and is life.
It is both light and shadow and in its being exists all feeling and rests all hurt.
This is what drives all things and 
this simple word love cannot be fathomed for it contains everything.

Therefore, take hold of a drop of water. Set it on a simple leaf and gaze beyond the surface of the water. 

Ponder for a minute all you may know about this single drop, what it is, where it came from, what it is made of. 

Ponder how it came to be set on this simple green leaf, the motion that has set it there and the process of settling the drop. 

Hold for a moment the leaf and the drop in your hand, set it on the palm of your hand and hold it up so that you can gaze through its surface. 

Watch as it catches a glint of light in the curve of its dome and see that perhaps it is possible to see a reflection of yourself in its spherical surface. 

Then close your eyes. 

Does the drop remain? Does it feel and smell as it did? Does it still sit on the green surface of the leaf? 

Now fetch your finger and press it into the surface of the droplet, watch as your finger dissipates the drop upon the leaf and it is drawn into the surface of the leaf.

Ponder now what became of the droplet, is it still formed there or has it ceased to exist? 

Love operates as a droplet on our souls, our hearts, our minds. It sits as a droplet on the surface, it permeates the surface, it is held but it is drawn within. It permeates every cell and also vanishes almost without trace but remains. It is a dew drop in spring, a tear of one in pain, it is a vast ocean that crashes on the rocks of the shore. 

It is a single drop sat on the surface of a leaf. 

Ponder this now.

Press it into the surface of your heart and allow it to permeate, for it is life itself and without it we cease to exist.

10th May 2020


Messenger of the Stars

