Messenger of the Stars

Forget not that what you are asking is something that is already determined in the laws of the universe. It is written and reflected in the stars and they are the messengers if one is careful enough to observe and to listen. What you have arrived at is almost what has been foretold, but it is not all that is being asked. 

With this must preparation take place to understand the full disclosure that has been revealed, only then will clarity be revealed in full. For it is only when we step away that we gain enough distance to see the full pattern being shown. When this is completed then the understanding will flow. 

Listen and be still. 

It is foretold that when the conjunction occurs it will shake the patterns of the universe. This is not far off and it will ripple out from the heavens and show itself amongst the world beneath. 

Were I to walk amongst the mountains and waters of the land I might look upon this wondrous sight and behold the magical vibration cast out from its coming and passing for this is one of the master keys. It is not about its passing in the heavens, it is about its traversing through our souls. 

It is in this that a shift will move us to a very different aspect of being and consciousness will bend through its intervention. Watch for this because it spells a change in the dynamics and a breath of wisdom flows through the psyche of those who are minded to hear. 

It is for all to share and it is revealed for the benefit of all. It will bring change, it will ask many things but in its shaking it will liberate and undo many things that have remained rooted in ill conceived thinking and beliefs. 

It will arrive in any event but it will be seen in its action in all worlds.

11th May 2020


Complexity and Simplicity

