
Wisdom is the portrayal of the great ideas of the creation.

It is what filters through and we are permitted to taste of the waters.

It is not in wisdom that all the answers are held, but all the questions.

When we understand the nature and essence of the question itself there we shall start to work our way to obtaining answers.

Wisdom is not necessarily the currency of the wise and the knowledgeable. Wisdom can reveal itself in many forms and even in the smile and gaze of a newborn.

It is only the human who makes this distinction, that through wisdom is the key to eternal life and the gates of heaven will fall open. This is a misinterpretation of the truth.

It is in wisdom yes that the keys come, that they descend from the great consciousness and settle on the heads of those who are receptive to the message, but it is not an arena for the wise, it is for all who are willing.

Wisdom allows us to unfurl the true nature of all things within us. It is a gift of knowledge, but only to the extent that it asks us to connect with and review the question it asks us to consider.

Held within the question is the route for us to receive the wisdom we seek, and as we embark on the challenge set we will unlock all the meaning held within and begin the process of understanding what it is that we must do to progress onto the next phase, to receive the next question, the wisdom.

It is on this journey that we find the answers.

It is through the question that we walk and start to begin to see the pattern of creation before us.

When we seek wisdom we seek the question, but we must be prepared to work to unlock the answer.

There is a small door in the base of the tree.
You ask the door, “where is the key?”
As soon as you’ve completed the words a small acorn falls from above,
it immediately sends roots into the ground and shoots into the sky.

You sit by the sapling and wait through rain and sunshine,
through snow and burning heat.
The tree, now a strong youth continues to grow upwards.
It grows straight and try even under the shadow of its parent.
Finally, it overtakes and blossoms into a vast oak tree.

Still you sit.
The door is still there but in front of it stands a magnificent tree that you have watched throughout its growth.
Finally, patience has warn you and age has sapped your energy.
You return to the tree and ask once again,
“Where is the key"?”

There, a ray of sun passes through the branches of the young oak.
At the very top, as you cast your sight upwards,
is a glistening key catching the rays and reflecting them onto the door below.
You see that the key was there all along,
but you have not believed that it could be held within a simple acorn,
which has become a great oak before your eyes.

The answer is there.

When we seek it will be given, but we must be prepared and open to receive, and to understand what has been given to us to receive.

18th May 2020


The Watcher


Who am I?