Who am I?
Will we see an end?
That is what I hear when this question of the future arises. All things begin and end so this is not the question of importance.
The key question is “Who am I here in this current time?”
For this is the question of much importance.
With this question we arise from our sleeping, from our sleeping wakefulness, and we begin to see ourselves in the context of what occurs outside ourselves.
“Who am I?” is a focal point on which to pivot our being on a point of stability, should we find it as so, or instability if we have built our foundation to bend and shift with every motion that transpires on the outer plane.
Within the self sits the guiding work that provides a point upon which we set our course. If that mark is wayward then we will feel immense instability from all changes that occur. But if the mark is firm then we have a solid reference point upon which to steady ourselves.
Wishing for this to not be the case and intending to be met by everything outside ourselves with a bending and lack of structure, will lead only to much anxiety and upheaval.
With a stability of self it is unnecessary to meet all things external with fortitude, fighting or resistance because the internal strength and stability will not require this. For resilience is an internal ability to sit and watch without reaction to the bombardments in the knowledge and confidence that we will prevail with dignity and wisdom.
A reed bends in the wind but remains fixed. It is rooted into the soil but holds itself firm with the strength of the foundations it has set.
17th May 2020