The Globe
The wheel turns in a motion that mesmerises the onlooker and all ceases to exist except the revolving circle.
There is a fascination in the turning and the perpetual motion that can be achieved.
There is less wonder at the perpetual turning of the globe in the void in which it sits surrounded by an absence of light, and yet, as it turns, it absorbs and reflects the perpetual rays of the flaming globe in all its radiance.
This motion is what allows persons of the earth to perpetuate, and within each rotation there is a growing discomfort with the ability of those who seek to understand.
For it is a desire to understand why the nature of this motion is a perpetual challenge for the residents of the globe.
Why is there a desire to keep a perpetual glow, to burn, to seek always light or to turn great swathes dark?
There is a wondrous complexity of the turning and the rise and fall of the light and darkness that allows much to flourish in balance.
There is a rhythm to this shifting that aligns with the rays of the globe of light you call sun, and this evaluates the perpetual cadence of all things including the turning of life and death, and the ascent and descent, which flows with this rotation.
To interfere with the alignment motion of the globe jeopardises much and most of this nature is without understanding or forethought.
When the consistency of the globe shifts too dramatically, the movement of the globe will also shift to compensate.
The outcome is beyond what I can see, but there is a need to be attentive to the impact.
In the depths of the ocean there is a great ridge where congregates a vast army of beings. They feed from the waste that is discarded in the blue ocean and they are pleased.
There will arise a tempest fed by the deposits that man has fed to the depths just as it has ripped the layers of green from the great plains. It is a tragedy, but there must be an appreciation of the perpetual turning and the impact of the shift.
This is the point, and all must try to alleviate the possibility of this shift from occurring, beyond this point there is a great disturbance felt.
Observe your actions and inactions - what is your intention with each motion and each small act that you do?
The shape and motion of the globe is within every movement you make and decision you follow.
Be still and choose with heart.
31st May 2020