Complexity and Simplicity

Beyond this plane is a cycle of growth and restoration where it is necessary to identify the root of abstraction and to try to rectify their blockage. This is the task that awaits all of us at one point or another. However, the task here in this plane is to acquire an understanding and an appreciation of two things. 

The first is complexity. 

It is fundamental to understand that it is vital to hold all things within this understanding. That complexity forms all things and that it is within the very nature of our being that we remain and seek to understand this particular unique characteristic of human existence.

This is a function of every level, whether it is biological, psychological or spiritual. There is a significant interplay of this nature of complexity at work. Each plays a role in defining the other: what we eat has an impact on our functioning mind, what we drink determines how we focus, and water enables the flow of all energy in the body.

What we consume in other forms has a direct interaction with all levels of our being. In the same way, our mind enables us to consume vast amounts of information. If unfettered, then what we consume will also in a very subtle way begin to consume us.

What I mean by this is that when we consume outward experiences and make them our own, and our reality beyond us on occasions instead of our own existence or reality, then we are amending or substituting the exercise of our true self, our divine plan is also consumed or replaced, or we fail to hear the message that is calling and asking us to take note, that draws attention to the key areas of our lives for which focus is of key importance.

When we stop and appreciate that there is a subtle interplay of complexity underpinning all of existence and that complexity must be explored and examined, then we begin to understand the principles of life itself and the lessons that are being shown to us for our own development. Should we do so here, we reset the balance and the consumption moves to sustain rather than to hinder our growth plan. 

The second element of fundamental importance is that of simplicity. 

For in direct contrast, simplicity also holds a foundation of life and existence. It sits alongside complexity as a key principle of existence and also something that we must bring our attention and awareness to. In simplicity lives all the forms, all the beauty and all the teaching. 

To look at a simple blossom is to understand simplicity, it is a momentary existence but it resonates with the simpleness of love and of purity. When this is brought into life we begin to understand how the simple existence, the simple word, the simple expression can change a thousand beings, then will we appreciate the special home that simplicity holds within this teaching. 

What I say to you is this. If you can sit and even for a moment hold within your heart and within your soul the wonder of both complexity and simplicity in all their breadth and lightness of being, if you can focus your attention on encouraging the growth of a joy of understanding in a simple moment that every one holds, contains, and allow freedom to both complexity and simplicity, then you are moving towards an understanding of the very structure of life, of this plane and of existence itself. 

Within each is a bead held together by twine. The bead is woven so delicately and precisely that none may peer within it. The weave is so tight that no one may follow the lines or patterns to understand how it is put together. It is so precise that none may peer beneath the surface to see within.

Each holds this bead, each is uniquely woven and only we know the exact weave of the surface. Inside however, is a small vortex and to set eyes on this place will lead to extinction. Within the weave is a direct path to nothing.

The bead holds the complexity of protection, of truth, of structure, of knowledge, within is a simple gesture of being, of existence.

Within the constitution of both we can appreciate how it is to hold both within the unknown centre of self. That both can co-exist and be one and both hold opposing but unified functions for our existence. 

It is through complexity and simplicity that we can excel in our journey in this existence.

12th May 2020




Messenger of the Stars