Gateway of Energy

Located at the base of the spine is a gateway to our energy. What manifests is a sacred vibration some call kundalini, but it is a sacred force propelling the being upwards to the root of our soul. 

In this place all things are rooted and therefore it is the seat of growth and renewal. Within the line of energetic manifestation is a focus of all potential, as well as all potential for instability and blockage. Where they center themselves and cause obstruction is a result of our growth and the nature of our upward development, for this is where we start our journey to understand the nature of our value and the patterns of our forward propulsion and foundations. It is a passage of transition and of nurturing.

A blockage cannot be removed by force it must be melted through our knowledge and kindness. It is rooted deep and should be teased gently from the roots and growth structures of our being. Only with patience can this be released. 

There is much recorded on the line of energy, so it is not for me to add to this varied knowledge of masters, but I will show for you a way to help to unblock the shattered parts of being and understand where this energy may be restricted and diverted by existence in order to unlock the flow. 

A small stream flows through the mountains.

It meanders through many landscapes and absorbs many elements gifted from the earth during its travel. At times it rests in a steady pace and other times it races through a period of rush, stones and falls. With each obstacle it changes its shape and form in order to redirect and to move more freely.

Each time throughout the journey some of the blockages and stones remain the same, the stream becomes accustomed to meandering around and through the twists and turns. At other times there has been a change in the route or an unexpected tree or rock has interfered with the flow.

The stream is momentarily changed and notices the shift in its flow or course, but adapts. 

But ponder, what if the stream was grander, had more water of flow and would not need to pass though, around or over such obstructions? What if it could flow freely and straight as an arrow in its purpose and direction, that it no longer needed to address and adapt to each new change to its pattern?

We are streams of our own patterning.

We adjust to the obstacles and blockages.

But if we look and identify the areas of our flow where we make adjustments, we vary our energy or we change the flow of our energy to compensate or force through, there we will find the obstruction and in that sight, in that focus of our attention, there we can bring the first steps to enable the stream to flow freely.

As we do so we are able to move forward, to ride the flow, to reshape the blocks and move the challenges that have kept us held into a form that bends and restricts the flow of our energy. 

In the water there is always a desire to flow, so within us there is an energy that wishes to flow freely.

15th May 2020



