
Begin with a wish and it will blossom.
Begin with a desire and it will be satiated.
Begin with a commitment and it will bring outward guidance.
Begin with stillness and all can flourish from within.

Understand that all will settle eventually like sediment in a pool of water. What remains is the pure essence of the being and what is left at the bottom is all that no longer is held within the essence and is released. For it is this process of natural filtering that distills all we are so that the lightness ends in the purest form of self to rise to the top.

We can assist this process by finding a stillness within where the silence weighs what is truly ours and what is an accumulation of density. For here is dense enough for us to feel the weight of existence, we do not need to expose ourselves to further density by holding onto what is not ours to keep and hold.

The letting go brings release but it is also in the settling where we can distinguish this process most effectively. Our guide is within. Let us allow ourselves to rest into the stillness and focus on the observing of an internal settling within ourselves. For there is much beauty to behold in this action and passivity. 

Settlement is through allowing. It is our will to allow ourselves to stop the motion of our actions, of our mind and thoughts, of our emotions. It is all within our will to do so. All we must do is to allow and to watch as it unfurls like the petals of a flower in bloom. 

When we give permission to be still, stillness will arrive.

When we force this we are not allowing with our being to be still we are working in opposition.

All will come in the action of inaction.

16th May 2020


Who am I?


Gateway of Energy