Complexity and Simplicity
12th May 2020
It is through complexity and simplicity that we can excel in our journey in this existence.
Messenger of the Stars
11th May 2020
It is foretold that when the conjunction occurs it will shake the patterns of the universe.
Light and Shadow
8th May 2020
Just as we see, we are seen
Just as we are held, so we hold all
As we feel, we are felt
As we heal, so we restore all who seek healing
7th May 2020
In awareness lives the truth and the place for us to reveal the nature of all things.
Light and Blossom
5th May 2020
As we embark on this journey we are settling at the point where the light and the blossom make contact; where the point, the moment of potential exists for new life.
The Sphere
4th May 2020
We must embrace the unity and the beauty of all aspects so that we might see beyond what is right in front of us and glimpse the face of God.
1st May 2020
We must be flies resting on a piece of fruit, we must seek what nourishes us and rest there to absorb the goodness and fuel ourselves for our continued journey.
Settlement of Heart
27th April 2020
Only when we are able to embrace a position within and outside ourselves where we no longer need to sit in a place of holding or of division, will we be in a place where this settlement of being will be enabled to manifest within heart.
Ocean of Light
24th April 2020
Where all the light conjoined to become a great ocean of light that washed through the universe and sent waves of being across the expanse
Vibration of Being
23rd April 2020
When the time has come, it will shake the fabric of all things.